sUper stArs doiNg

The Institute for Advertising Self-Discipline (IAP) a watchdog group in Italy has , banned Tom Ford Eyewear ads from national media, WWD reports. The close-up photo of a woman wearing Tom Ford glasses with a man's finger in her mouth was deemed by IAP to be "markedly vulgar" and, as such, it "transcends the limits of simple bad taste and offends the sensibility" of viewers. In addition, the committee believes the "scene evokes an offending and abusive act against women, which degrades the dignity of the person."

Tom Ford Spring Summer 2011 Full Show

Tom Ford's in a secret and exclusive fashion show featuring Beyonce, Julianne Moore and other super stars on the runway.


  1. On reconnait tout de suite le style Tom Ford toujours très provocateur et son dernier défilé simplement sublime!!!

  2. vraiment magnifique!!!
